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Teaching and learning

We believe that young children learn through play, investigating, exploring, socialising, and communicating their ideas. 


We encourage children to become familiar with the surroundings of our settings which 'becomes their little world'. 


Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve their success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.

Nelson Mandela

Staff plan stimulating, varied and exciting learning opportunities for the children. We follow the guidelines specified within the Early Years Foundation Stage and feel that children learn best when they are actively involved, interested and are doing.


We promote play opportunities both indoors and outside which focus on developing language, mathematics, early reading techniques, science, logical learning, imagination, spiritual, moral and cultural awareness, creativity, physical development, appreciation of the natural world and develop socialisation skills.


We provide opportunities for children to share, express their own ideas, learn from each other, cooperate, and promote respect and understanding. We encourage the children to become inquisitive, confident and independent learners.


We get to know each child's interests and understand that each child is 'unique'. Sometimes we provide opportunities for children to learn as individuals, sometimes children are grouped and sometimes they are taught as a whole class. Our environment is made safe and attractive and is designed to appeal to young learners. 

School Readiness


We promote a programme aimed at ensuring children are fully ready to begin primary school.


We aim that children are toilet trained, are self-confident and can act independently. We teach them key learning skills that will enable them to focus, participate and learn in small and large group situations, such as story time, key group time and circle time. 


We work closely with teachers from local primary schools and academies to ensure a smooth transition between nursery and reception classes. 


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